Boycott the City of Rochester as long as Lovely Warren is mayor

The mayor of Rochester Lovely Warren, she of the Uncle Reggie scandal and the RHA board scandal has stepped in it.  Again, upon the decision not to indict Darren Wilson over the Michael Brown shooting, she posted on her facebook inflammatory statements.  With the line that "the cop had no respect for the life of Michael Brown" basically contradicting the findings of the grand jury.  This statement was meant to be provocative, but this crossed the line.

Mayor Warren has taken upon herself in her administration to fire and remove white and Hispanic office holders, to replace them with African Americans.  Lovely Warren like it or not is racist, and antagonistic towards the views of the suburbs.

I understand the local businesses are not responsible for the mayor's views, but as long as she is the mayor of Rochester I cannot in good conscience give money to support her racist views.  There are plenty of innocent business owners in the city, but the line has been crossed, no more shall the city see any of my money and nor should it see any of yours.


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