
Showing posts from April, 2020

Rachel Barnhart cheers local people losing their jobs

As I have said over and over again Rachel Barnhart is a selfish person its in her genes she only cares about herself Case in Point Ruth Chris is a local steakhouse that employs about 60-70 people in the area they returned their bailout and instead laid off their staff this was Rachel Barnhart a county legislature reaction, this. is. sickening.

Rachel Barnhart doesn't mind 200 people congregating during Pandemic

As many of you heard about the funeral on Clifford Avenue, where 200 African Americans gathered without social distancing or wearing masks. Well obviously, with Rachel outrage at Wegmans for not mandating masks for its employees. She must have been real upset about this You would of course be wrong. Rachel is a hypocrit always has been always will be

Did Rachel Barnhart just endanger Wegmans workers

So Rachel Barnhart went to Wegmans and stated they are finally taking it seriously Now about a week ago Rachel claimed to have a friend staying with her that was showing symptoms. Now she is going to Wegmans endangering the employees she claims to be protecting. So was she lying about the friend or is she just reckless and endangering innocent people. Rachel apparently has deleted the friend tweet so there are many questions about this that need answering.

Rachel Barnhart is mad that some politicians are using the Pandemic to score political points

So, Rachel Barnhart quoted an editorial that said it was despicable to attempt to score political points during a Pandemic that attacked Republicans One hour earlier Rachel Barnhart sent out this tweet.....with a letter attempting to score political points during the COVID Pandemic this women is without shame.

Rachel Barnhart lies again about Wegmans

Today Rachel Barnhart sent this tweet Literally yesterday she tweeted how she had heard from dozens of workers. To compare this Pandemic has last 3 weeks so maybe she gets two a day. Combine that with the fact Wegmans employs close to half million people, well you get the idea.

Now Rachel Barnhart claims she knows a lot about the Wegmans situations

Does Rachel Barnhart work at Wegmans? No Does Rachel Barnhart have a medical degree? No Has Rachel Barnhart experience in the Health Industry? No Does Rachel Barnhart have experience running a business? No Yes Rachel Barnhart received calls from "employees"? Supposedly This women is deranged look at this tweet

Rachel Barnhart calls Wegmans Evil for allowing employees to wear masks

The breakdown of Racheal Barnhart during this Pandemic has been something to behold, its truly getting embarrassing now. See Wegmans now allows employees to wear masks but they have to ask the manager which makes Wegmans still evil? based on Barnhart logic this is just getting weird Editors Note: Rachel Barnhart still endorses employees handling reusable bags instead of plasics cause she supports reusable.

Rachel Barnhart without evidence accused Wegmans of harming people during the COVID Pandemic

Here is Rachel Barnhart again attacking Wegmans free of evidence She literally states they have harmed people. If you are going to make accusations like that you need more than unnamed evidence from a serial fabilist. This is a global Pandemic and Rachel is using it to continue her scorch earth tactics against Wegmans. There is no way but to pity Rachel and her need for attention.

Rachel Barnhat sent an email about Wegmans to herself

This is just unreal This women is delusional and leading a jihad against a company to elevate her own profile. Notice how she doesn't mention restarting plastic bags. She literally backed a policy that is known to spread the virus but is silent. But MASKS MASKS!!!! ALL SHE DOES IS YELL ABOUT MASKS.

Rachel Barnhart attacks the Rochester Health System during COVID

You would think during a crisis that has the possibility to kill many Rochesterians that our politicians could come together and not attack hospitals and our local health care. But not Rachel Barnhart, this disgusting attack was on Strong Hospital today. She is attacking Strong for ordering more vents and I guess not sending them to New York City? I feel bad for Rachel whatever is causing her to lash out at people on the front lines is not healthy.

Rachel Barnhart is willing to stand up to Wegmans about masks about not Cuomo about Ventilators

Everybody's favorite self promoting do gooder in the county legislature let go of a doozy yesterday. Upon the news that Cuomo wanted to take ventilators from Upstate and give them to NYC. Rachel said sounds good to me Perhaps if it was Wegmans and facemasks Rachel would have found some indignation. Listen you may die for lack of a Vent but at least it wasn't lack of a mask. Remember to Rachel the bigger enemy is private corporations rather than someone taking life saving equipment from you and your family. Rachel Barnhart at her heart does not care about anybody other than raising her own virtue signal. It even gets better she questions the Democrat Adam Bello's statement People in the know we have nothing to spare. Rachel "are you sure about that," At least this exchange should prove once and for all the type of selfish perso...

When do the Government officials sacrifice?

Over the next few weeks and days, we are going to hear on our television from multiple local and state government officials that now is the time for shared sacrifice. But from while millions file for unemployment as government has forced close businesses. Comes this one undeniable fact this sacrifice is only directed one way. So far four weeks into a pandemic we have seen millions of businesses and jobs sacrificed in the cry of shared sacrifice and bending the curve. You know who has not sacrificed, a single government official or employee. While hear story after story of private businesses reducing their salaries or even working for free. Not a single government official in all fifty states other than Donald Trump is making a sacrifice. Nancy Pelosi is a millionaire five times over has not reduced her salary. Governors, Senators, town officials all are still getting paid in full. All the young people out of work are sharing the sacrifice will the retired people on sweet government p...

Rachel Barnhart is using a crisis to attack private business

As one can see from twitter, Rachel Barnhart has decided that she thought a Pandemic was a perfect time to invoke a Jihad again private employees and business in Rochester. To be fair its not really a crisis until Barnhart decides to make it about herself. By the way 2 days ago she started a rumor about Costco having an employee that tested positive for COVID turned out not to be true. But instead of thinking you know maybe I should take a step back and make sure what I am tweeting is accurate, she doubled down. Rachel likes to play this Wegmans employee or that employee contacted me. She never bothers to confirm anything she just runs with it, in an attempt to elevate her profile. This is really disgusting especially because no local media ever calls Barnhart out for this BS. Whats amazing about this is we are not even sure Masks will even help, but that wont stop Rachel she hates private businesses. Rachel cont...