
Showing posts from May, 2014

Does the Democrat and Chronicle employ an anti Christian bigot?

                      One of the staunched advocates of firing Kimberly and Beck was a women by the name Andrea Raethka she wrote a blog about how Kimberly and Beck should be fired because they are bigots.  Feels that people need to be educated below you will find a sampling of her statements and quotes from her personal blog and twitter account.  Read the anti Christian and anti Conservative bigotry based on her own qualifications as she articulated in the Democrat and Chronicle she is a bigot.  If the D and C does not ends it relationship with her immediately, they are endorsing bigotry.    Someone defending spanking their kids because it's biblical on Facebook.. I *probably* should have just backed away slowly. @.o   Don Jones fined for Michael Sam tweets = shut your bigot mouth. have we learned our lesson yet Hollywood/sports stars/ famous chefs? ...

The Kimberly and Beck Double Standard of the Democrate and Chronicle

The Democrat and Chronicle has been grandstanding , oops I mean covering the Kimberly and Beck controversy and feeding the outrage industry in this country.  I am sure you remember all the outrage from the Democrat and Chronicle reporters from Bill Mahrer's anti Christian rants or some of the anti Mormon comments of Mitt Romney.  Oh, that's right.  But here are some tweets by these "supposedly" neutral reporters covering this issue.  Let us understand, their comments were not what I would term "hateful" or a number of people.  But D and C reporters and the newspaper took it as such.  Here is some tweets: Sports Reporter: Jeff DiVeronica ‏ @ RocDevo 10h Hadn't heard this. Dumb and cruel. Local Radio Hosts, Kimberly and Beck , Disgrace Station, 98.9 w/Transphobic Rant http:// Dumb and Cruel?  really, what was cruel about as for dumb I believe legit issues are raised about using tax ...

The day Michelle Beadle called me an "Asshat" for my opinion

Michelle Beadles is a failed host of an NBC sports network show and is now a current host of ESPNs lowly rated sportsnation.  When Michael Sam was drafted by the St Louis Rams, she had some opinions she had to share.  And it was clear everyone who disagreed with her was wrong. Whatever you think of the Michael Sam making out with his boyfriend, should be your opinion.  ESPN felt the need to write an article about a football player who used the word "horrible" to describe.  How dare he have an opinion.  Some people think that homosexuality is morally wrong.  They are allowed to have that opinion, it does not make them bigots.  A bigot denies a homosexual a job because they are a homosexual.  If a person thinks being a homosexual is morally wrong but does treats homosexuals the same as heterosexuals they are not bigots.  But anyways I digress, back to Clay Matthew's girlfriend. So, after Michael Sam was chosen by the Rams Michelle Beadle t...

Ten Things Tops does better then Wegmans

Wegmans to some people is a religion never to be questioned, while Tops is considered the step brother that is never talked about.  I am here to tell you that there are items that Tops does superior to Wegmans.  Try to cover you eyes you liberal elitist snobs that want to ignore all faults in your pagan master.  So without further ado Ten Things Tops does Better then Wegmans: 8.  Chicken Salad-  Tops uses there rotisserie chicken to make a delicious chicken salad.  While Wegmans is bland and without flavor. 7. Putting their specials at the front of the store.  What does Wegmans put in the front of there stores, normally some produce that is in season but obscenely over priced or perhaps the latest and greatest organic wegmans cereal.  What is in the front of Tops store, there latest buy one get one free offering, specials, sales.  What a unique concept? Its like they actually are helping the consumer instead of pushing their latest high pr...